UN Women and UN Global Compact: Role of Women Leaders in Achieving UN SDGs

UN Women and UN Global Compact: Role of Women Leaders in Achieving UN SDGs

Mercia S. M. Justin, Revenio Jalagat, Perfecto Aquino, Lee Wan Ling
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1834-8.ch001
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Achieving UN SDGs is crucial for the people of the world to live complete and satisfying lives. The role of women in achieving the goals cannot be overemphasized. It becomes all the more important with women leaders of international organizations, as women are considered to be zealous and highly committed to the causes they take up. It is important to highlight the women leaders who are working towards the achievement of UN SDGs. The chapter examined the works of UN Women and UN GC women leaders towards achievement of the UN SDGs with support of the data available in the respective websites.
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Review Of Literature

The SDGs, which is also known as global goals aim to end poverty, protect the environment and ensure peace and justice for all. Since its implementation, UN has strived to realize the stated goals.

Some papers attempt to measure on how far UN has achieved the targets. Kamau et al. (2018) have documented that the UN System comprises more than fifty organisations and is administered and by a complex institutional structure. They acknowledged the outcome of these institutions' cooperative work as the UN SDGs' development and the agenda for achieving sustainable development. Halpaap, et al. (2019) observed that multilateral agencies and governments play an important role in creating an environment where social innovations blossom and help achieve UN SDGs.

Bull & McNeil (2019) analyzed all the partnerships in the SDG partnership registry, studying a subset that included business partners. Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) involving companies from economies of different capitalist forms and companies and other actors from Western economies dominated PPPs. The linkages between varieties of capitalism and PPP participation and differences in categories of PPPs in which companies of different backgrounds engage were also discussed.

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