The Use of Virtual Reality in Clinical Psychology Research: Focusing on Approach and Avoidance Behaviors

The Use of Virtual Reality in Clinical Psychology Research: Focusing on Approach and Avoidance Behaviors

Patrice Renaud, Sylvain Chartier, Paul Fedoroff, John Bradford, Joanne L. Rouleau
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-731-2.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter presents research that is laying a foundation for new simulation applications that promise learning-oriented treatments for mental health conditions. After presenting background on their technologies and measurement techniques, the authors describe experimental applications of this approach. Analysis of negative and positive responses to virtual reality (VR) stimuli, as well as their complex composites, can lead to a better understanding of patient responses, including fundamental perceptual and cognitive causal relationships. Measuring patients’ dynamic parameters in VR simulations can possibly lead to new treatment approaches for psychopathologies The biological and behavioral feedback obtained by virtual mediation, based on parameters of the perceptivo-motor dynamics such those described in this chapter, represents a promising avenue for future investigation.
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This chapter presents research that, while outside the domains of most SAGE research presented in this volume, is laying a foundation for new simulation applications that promise learning-oriented treatments for mental health conditions. Using virtual reality (VR) immersive technologies with tracking of ocular and physical movements, this work makes possible more in-depth recording, analysis, and understanding of patient responses, eventually leading to more successful simulation-based treatments. After presenting background on our technologies and measurement techniques, we describe experimental applications of this approach.

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