Using a Knowledge-Based Approach to Foster the Use of Risk Management in Construction

Using a Knowledge-Based Approach to Foster the Use of Risk Management in Construction

Alfredo Federico Serpell, Ximena Ferrada, Larissa Rubio
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5481-3.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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Knowledge is a key factor in carrying out and improving risk management in construction projects. Even so, it has been found that this management is done inadequately often mainly due to the lack of knowledge available for its execution. Thus, a knowledge-based system for addressing the problems of risk management in construction projects is proposed and described in this chapter. This is a web-based system that aims to supporting risk management for construction projects in an industry environment where risk management is not well valued yet. The system includes a tool that uses a maturity model for the assessment of risk management capabilities of contractors and owners, a module to propose improvements according to the existing gaps reported by the maturity evaluation module, and a knowledge base that supports a project's risk management and has the ability to acquire knowledge from experiences obtained during the implementation of different construction projects.
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A brief background of the main topics that are addressed in this chapter is presented in this section as follows: RM, knowledge management, and risk maturity models. These three areas were integrated during the development of the knowledge-based system for supporting RM in construction projects.

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