Using Augmented Reality (AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to Improve Water Management Maintenance and Training

Using Augmented Reality (AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to Improve Water Management Maintenance and Training

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1194-3.ch013
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The convergence of augmented reality (AR) and the internet of things (IoT) holds great promise for transforming water management by improving maintenance, troubleshooting, and training. This chapter explores the synergy between AR and IoT in water management, highlighting their potential to enhance professionals' efficiency and address critical challenges. AR overlays real-time data and interactive guidance onto the physical environment, streamlining maintenance, troubleshooting, and training. IoT provides real-time data and remote monitoring capabilities, facilitating proactive decision-making and predictive maintenance. The integration of AR and IoT offers a powerful toolkit to tackle water management issues, promising increased reliability and sustainability for water resources in a digitally augmented world.
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Innovations in Machine Learning and IoT for Water Management


2. Ar In Water Management

2.1. Overview of AR

With the help of the cutting-edge technology known as AR, which combines digital data with the actual environment, water management procedures may be improved in a number of ways (Revolti et al., 2023). To overlay digital material over the real world, AR uses gadgets like smartphones, tablets, smart glasses, or specialised headsets. This substantially enhances how technicians see and interact with their surroundings. With the help of this technology, professionals can more easily grasp complicated systems and spot problems in water systems. AR apps may show real-time data like water flow rates and temperature by connecting with IoT sensors and data streams, enabling personnel to make educated judgements and take prompt action.

By superimposing instructions and animations over technicians' actions to guide them through processes (Rahman et al., 2021), AR significantly reduces mistakes and shortens downtime in maintenance and troubleshooting. Additionally, it makes it possible for remote support, which lets professionals direct on-site personnel through tasks through live video feeds. For water management technicians, AR-based training modules provide immersive learning experiences that support skill growth and knowledge acquisition. By decreasing downtime, increasing productivity, and minimising mistakes overall, the implementation of AR in water management may result in cost effectiveness, eventually optimising maintenance and operating procedures.

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