VuFind: Solr Power in the Library

VuFind: Solr Power in the Library

Demian Katz, Andrew Nagy
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1912-8.ch004
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Apache Solr, an open source Java-based search engine, forms the core of many Library 2.0 products. The use of an index in place of a relational database allows faster data retrieval along with key features like faceting and similarity analysis that are not practical in the previous generation of library software. The popular VuFind discovery tool was built to provide a library-friendly front-end for Solr’s powerful searching capabilities, and its development provides an informative case study on the use of Solr in a library setting. VuFind is just one of many library packages using Solr, and examples like Blacklight, Summon, and the eXtensible Catalog project show other possible approaches to its use.
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Indexes Vs. Databases

At the core of your typical Integrated Library System, you are likely to find a relational database. Relational databases are extremely useful tools, which efficiently store and retrieve information by breaking data down into tables of granular data and keeping track of how these tables relate to one another. With such a database, it is quite simple to model many of the relationships that can be found in libraries. As a simplistic example, one database table might represent books, other authors, and other patrons. Additional tables could then track relationships—which authors wrote which titles, or which patrons are currently borrowing which books. The beauty of the relational model is that each key piece of data (book, author, patron) is stored only once. When you need to look up information, you join these pieces together using the known relationships in order to get the answers you seek. If you need to change a piece of data, you edit it in just one place, and thanks to all of the relationships, the update automatically affects every context in which the data might be accessed.

Although relational databases remain an important part of the library software landscape, they do have one significant weakness: they are not ideal for search applications, particularly the sort of search engines that users of the Web have become accustomed to—very fast and very accurate. While database systems usually have built-in indexing and can do certain types of well-defined searches very quickly, their performance suffers when it comes to complex, multi-field, or full-text searching. Their data model, with everything spread out across multiple tables, becomes a disadvantage when you want to search through everything quickly—data needs to be reconstituted before it can be searched, and the result is slower performance.

The answer to this problem is an index. An index turns the whole thing upside-down. Rather than concerning itself with efficient storage of unique values, an index instead focuses on fast retrieval of information stored in a heavily pre-processed format. Data is stored redundantly to ease fast lookup, and text from indexed records and user search queries may be analyzed in a variety of ways to increase the probability of finding matches. Obviously, an index is likely to use more memory and disk space than an equivalent relational database, but the benefits include faster, more flexible lookup and powerful results analysis (such as faceting) which are impractical using a relational database.

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