Water and Wastewater Engineering

Water and Wastewater Engineering

Avinash Kumar, Jaya Yadav, Rubeena Vohra, Anand Sebastian
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1396-1.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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Water and wastewater engineering are essential for public health and environmental protection. It involves the design, construction, and operation of systems to treat water and wastewater. The basic principles of water and wastewater treatment include physical, chemical, and biological processes. Engineers consider the nature and concentration of contaminants, the desired level of treatment, the cost of treatment, the availability of land, the climate, and environmental regulations when designing water and wastewater treatment systems. Common types of water treatment systems include conventional treatment, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, and ion exchange. Common types of wastewater treatment systems include primary treatment, secondary treatment, and tertiary treatment. Critical tasks involved in operating and maintaining water and wastewater treatment systems include monitoring and adjusting the operation of treatment processes, conducting maintenance and repairs, and sampling and testing water or wastewater.
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Physical Treatment Processes

Physical treatment processes are used to remove solids, suspended particles, and other large contaminants from Water and wastewater. These processes include:

  • Screening: This procedure eliminates big objects from wastewater, including rags, sticks, and toys.

  • Grit removal: Removes sand, gravel, and other heavy solids from wastewater.

  • Sedimentation: This process allows suspended solids to settle out of wastewater.

  • Flocculation: This process helps clump together small particles so that sedimentation can more easily remove them.

  • Filtration: This process removes suspended particles from Water by passing them through a filter. Chemical treatment processes

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