Web Services Composition Problem: Model and Complexity

Web Services Composition Problem: Model and Complexity

Fahima Cheikh
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2919-6.ch063
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In the approach taken in this chapter, the composition problem is as follows: given a client service, a goal service and a set of available services, determine if there exists a mediator service that enables the communication between the client and the existing services in order to satisfy the client request, represented by the goal service. In this chapter’s model, available services that have access control constraints are considered. To formally capture these constraints, the chapter defines Web Services as Conditional Communicating Automata (CCA) in which communication is done through bounded ports. This chapter gives a detailed presentation of said model and gives complexity results of the composition problem.
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Service oriented computing (Singh & Huhns, 2005) is a programming paradigm which allow the realization of distributed applications by composing existing services. In particular, in order to realize a client request that is not realizable by the existing services, an eventual solution is to combine/compose the available services.

Several approaches are investigated for the composition problem. A survey can be found in Dustdar and Schreiner (2005) and Hull and Su (2005), using formal methods. Other authors use a planning method (Pistore, Marconi, Bertoli & Traverso, 2005; Pistore, Traverso & Bertoli, 2005), a theorem prover method (Rao, Küngas & Matskin, 2004), and a method based on propositional dynamic logic (Berardi, Calvanese, De Giacomo & Micelle, 2006; Berardi, Calvanese, De Giacomo, Hull & Mecella, 2005). In section 3, we discuss in detail all these approaches. More precisely, for each of them, we answer the following questions:

  • How services are defined?

  • How the request/goal is defined?

  • How services are composed?

In our approach, the composition problem is as follows: given a client service, a goal service and a set of available services, to determine if there exists a mediator service which allows the communication between the client and the existing services in order to obtain a system with a behavior equivalent to the goal service. To represent equivalence between two systems, we use one of these relations: trace inclusion, trace equivalence, simulation and bisimulation. Further, in our model, each available service has a security policies. These policies describe the conditions the user of the service should satisfy. For example, conditions can be about the value of credentials/certificate attributes. In our model, services are represented by Conditional Communicating Automata (CCA) in which both communicating actions and internal actions are possible. The communication is done through bounded ports. Moreover, the transitions are augmented by guards that ensure the system security (Cheikh, De Giacomo & Mecella, 2006; Mecella, Ouzzani, Paci & Bertino, 2006).

The chapter is organized as follows. In section 3 we discuss the related works cited above and compare them with our model. In section 4, we give basic definitions on automata. Then, in section 5, we define the notion of conditional communicating automata (CCA). In section 6, we present our model of services and we formally define the composition problem in section 7. Section 8 provides complexity results about the composition problem. We finally conclude in section 9.


Several formal approaches investigated the issue of Web services composition. These approaches differ in several aspects. In fact, they do not use the same formal model to represent services and they do not consider the same definition of the composition problem. In this section, we briefly overview some of these approaches. For each one, we give the answer to the following questions:

  • How services are defined?

  • How the request/goal is defined?

  • How services are composed?

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