Women's Care With Generalized Metabolism Analysis Report Based on Age Using Deep Learning

Women's Care With Generalized Metabolism Analysis Report Based on Age Using Deep Learning

Madhuri Amit Sahu, Minakshi A. Ramteke, Amit P. Sahu, Harshita Chourasia, Sivaram Ponnusamy
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2679-4.ch017
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Women are facing different problems in different stages. The importance of comprehending women's personal and health issues is highlighted in the opening section. Women are suffering from so many problems, such as peer pressure, depression and anxiety, financial issues, transportation blockades, time management, girls' security and safety, homesickness, career choice perspective, early marriage issues, physical activity and nutrition, substance abuse, mental health issues, physical injury, and violence. The data is grouped by age; for instance, age 8 to 12, age 12 to 16, age 17 to 24, age 25 to 30, age 30 to 40, age 40 to 60, and age 60 to 80. Using deep learning techniques, the proposed system aims to conceptualize and understand these issues, and to develop one website which would provide a solution for each and every query with consulted name and address.
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It is essential to conceptualize and understand these issues to develop targeted interventions and policies that promote women's well-being. Here are some key elements to consider when clarifying women's personal and health issues:

Personal Issues: Women's personal issues encompass various aspects of their individual experiences, relationships, and self-perception. These can include:

  • a.

    Reproductive Health: This includes matters related to menstrual health, contraception, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and reproductive rights. It addresses topics such as access to reproductive healthcare, family planning, and reproductive autonomy.

  • b.

    Mental Health: Women may face specific mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, postpartum depression, and trauma-related disorders. Recognizing and addressing these issues is crucial for promoting women's overall well-being.

  • c.

    Body Image: Body image concerns are particularly prevalent among women, with societal pressures and unrealistic beauty ideals often influencing their self-perception, self-esteem, and body satisfaction. This includes issues such as body shaming, disordered eating behaviors, and negative body image.

  • d.

    Domestic Violence: Women are disproportionately affected by domestic violence, including intimate partner violence, emotional abuse, sexual assault, and coercive control. Addressing this issue involves understanding the dynamics of power, supporting survivors, and advocating for prevention and intervention strategies.

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