Writing the Manuscript

Writing the Manuscript

Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8969-4.ch013
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This chapter introduces a structured approach to writing the manuscript, focusing particularly on the results and discussion section. Many of the core issues and factors that must be considered in the write-up are addressed. Also covered are presentation pitfalls that are commonly encountered. To help conceptualize how the manuscript can synthesized, the author introduces the “V-Model” structure. The model structure explains the connections and relationships between the various portions of a manuscript, what the readers may look for in each section, and outlines some differences between dissertations and journal articles. Finally, several tips are provided on ensuring that each section of the manuscript contains the necessary components and connects with the appropriate sections.
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Using The V-Model To Structure A Manuscript

We can consider no research project complete until it can be communicated to an audience. The communication will either be through our dissertation or other scientific/scholarly journal articles for most of us. In each case, the writing of results and discussion of these results is important, as is the overall ability to help readers find and digest our study. This chapter focuses on aiding the reader to craft effective sections or chapters that will help the reader understand the core study findings and structure the entire manuscript to support the readers.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Discussion Section: The section of the manuscript that takes the results and uses thee results to explain the importance of the study, drawing on the key elements of the literature review.

Structure: The considerations of the constituent blocks of writing and how they are related.

Section Pairing: The pairing of several sections, showing a conceptual relatedness between the sections that are not necessarily adjacent to each other in a written document.

Transaction Cost Economics: The study of the costs of making a trade and not making a product inside the firm. The approach has a rich history and is essential in many supply chain studies.

V-Model: A model that takes six major components of the scholarly manuscript and presents them with clear connections and pairings between sections.

Writer’s Block: The feeling of being stuck and unable to progress in writing. Writer’s block can be overcome with a series of tricks and writing structure models like the V-Model.

Introduction: The initial section of the manuscript that makes the research interesting explains past studies, the main contribution, and importance of the current study, and how the research is structured.

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