Bilibili Video Streaming Platform: Community Culture Identity vs. Commercial Culture

Weijian Xu (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, China)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 250
EISBN13: 9781668491294|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4955-4.ch017
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In this chapter, the author presented the “commercial dilemma” that trapped a famous Chinese video website called Bilibili. In the beginning, Bilibili was a streaming video website for only a small group of users, fans of AGC (Anime Gaming and Comics). This small group of users who shared similar interests created a strong community with a clear culture. However, as the development of Bilibili continued, the platform attracted more new users who for many didn't belong to the original ACG culture. Under this circumstance, a conflict happened between the original users of the platform and the management. The original community perceived that the CEO of Bilibili decided to sacrifice the original ACG culture to get more traffic from mass users. This situation created lots of debates online among netizens with different opinions. The chapter will therefore present the company, collect many different opinions from netizens, and classify them to show how netizens from China reacted to this issue. It will also outline how the company handled and responded to the situation.
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