Digital Disruptors: Creating a Gateway to STEAM for a Broader Audience

Niema Qureshi (Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, USA) and Marilyn E. Baez (Marvin Camras Children's Engineering School, USA)
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 196
EISBN13: 9781668461969|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9168-0.ch010
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This chapter provides insight into how two educators researched, planned, and co-taught a remote learning arts-integrated project during the pandemic. Student interest in video games generated an inquiry-based collaboration centered around pixel art and video game narratives. The authors combined digital animation with cross-stitching and language arts to address the multiple ways that students learn. The authors believed that by combining technology and language arts with visual arts, students could take a more project-based approach to their learning, which they hoped would lead to greater student engagement. The authors share their challenges and future opportunities that were made visible during this project.
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