Dysphagia Management in Culturally-Linguistically Diverse Populations

Kellyn Dailey Hall (North Carolina Central University, USA)
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 238
EISBN13: 9781799855422|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2261-5.ch011
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Culturally competent management of adults with swallowing disorders involves more than simply including ethnically appropriate foods in dysphagia therapy. It requires an understanding of the client's health beliefs, challenges, and unique cultural perspective regarding all aspects of food to ensure unbiased and culturally appropriate services are provided. This chapter begins with an overview of dysphagia management followed by a closer look at cultural beliefs regarding food and ethical conflicts that may arise. The strategies for shared decision-making presented help create a culturally sensitive dynamic between the clinician and the patient/family that positively influence therapy outcomes. The chapter concludes with a case study that highlights the importance of ethnographic interviewing needed to establish understanding and trust between the clinician and an elderly Mexican woman and her family. The strategies and techniques presented here can be applied across all cultures to achieve successful management of dysphagia.
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