ERP Implementation in Kuwait O&G: Issues, Problems, and Concerns

Firas Albataineh (Oracle Systems, UAE)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 26
EISBN13: 9781466643772|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2220-3.ch001
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A project is a complex, no routine, one-time effort limited by time, budget, resources, and performance specifications designed to meet a customer’s needs (Gray & Larson, 2010). Consequently, although projects may seem similar, largely they are different, and each project represents a unique experience reflecting the variations in the projects’ scopes, objectives, specifications, time, budget, resources, constraints, and risks. In line with this, the author’s experience as a consultant in different ERP projects indicates that each project has its own unique issues, concerns, and problems, although some of them are common across different projects. This chapter attempts to examine the nature and causes of issues, problems, and concerns that were observed in one of the author’s Gulf ERP implementations and suggests the introduction of new and enhanced features in ERP system implementation methodologies as a means to cope with potentially damaging issues, problems, and concerns, and prevent them from evolving into malicious risks that could lead to project failures.
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