Information Technology for the Coordinated Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Teams Based on the Scenario-Case Approach

Vladimir Sherstjuk (Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine) and Maryna Zharikova (Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine)
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 248
EISBN13: 9781522595908|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7588-7.ch009
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The authors present a dynamic scenario-case approach to coordinated control of heterogeneous ensembles of unmanned aerial vehicles, which use coordination patterns of activity in similar situations described as spatial configurations affected by observed events. The method of obtaining deviations for approximate spatial configurations, which allows obtaining elements of the safe vehicle's trajectories. The method of qualitative safety assessment is presented. It uses a soft level topology to obtaining blurred boundaries of dynamic safety domains using fuzzy soft level sets and allows finding suitable compensations of vehicles' activity scenarios that can both keep the spatial configuration and satisfy all safety restrictions. The authors demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly reduces the computational complexity of problem solving and provides the acceptable performance.
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