Leadership Development Initiatives of a Japanese Transnational Company Through Blended Mode: Virtual and Face-to-Face

Shikha Gera (University of Delhi, India)
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 296
EISBN13: 9781522577539|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5288-8.ch011
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The intent of the current case study of a Japanese multinational company is to document and understand the process of developing a transformational (quantum change producing) leadership style in its fast-track leaders in the South West Asia region. The researcher got an opportunity to observe the process of leadership development training that was delivered over a period both through virtual and face-to- ace mode. In the current case study, no instruments were used and therefore no objective data were available to gauge the impact of the training program. However, training partners had identified some of the training outcomes on participants such as 1) participants displayed initiatives to introduce change and persisted that change throughout the completion of the vision with positivity, 2) they examined self-strengths and weaknesses and demonstrated the ability to improve through feedback, and 3) they identified the business, financial, leadership, entrepreneurial, and other challenges at hand and designed the robust plans to overcome those. In short, the researcher can conclude with a reasonable confidence that the training program delivered online could be a success, particularly when it is blended with a FTF experience at some point.
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