Mentoring the Next Generation

Kate Schrauth (, USA) and Elie Losleben (, USA)
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 63
EISBN13: 9781616921682|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-876-5.ch005
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With the high school dropout rate in the United States at epidemic levels and the proportion of guidance counselors decreasing, mentoring programs are an increasingly effective way to reach young people with the college and career guidance they need.’s online mentoring programs reach young people who do not have access to quality educational resources, using a dynamic virtual learning environment to connect them to mentors who offer practical and individualized advice, information and expertise. The organization’s award-winning program is grounded on an evidence-based curriculum that is student-paced and student-led, placing young people at the center of a community of classroom teachers and adult mentors invested in the their futures. puts child safety first and monitors mentor-mentee relationships in a controlled and accountable environment. Evidence indicates that’s e-mentoring program has many of the benefits of face-to-face mentoring—an exciting find as educators turn to mentoring as a classroom intervention.
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