Showcasing the Creative Talents in Science of the Academically Less-Inclined Students through a Values-Driven Toy Storytelling Project

Nazir Amir (Greenview Secondary School, Singapore)
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 179
EISBN13: 9781466675049|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6489-0.ch007
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It has been mentioned that gifted students may not necessarily just be the ones who have high IQ and perform consistently well in their examinations but also those who are able to showcase their creative talents through content and skills gained in their academic subjects. This chapter highlights how a class of academically less-inclined students in Singapore has been able to showcase their creative talents in science and other subjects through a values-driven toy storytelling project that serves a community need. Results from this study show that the project has provided an avenue for the students' creative talents in science and other subjects to be recognized by members of the community. The positive recognition through the students' work instilled a sense of pride and self-worthiness amongst them.
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