IS Strategy at NZMilk

Paul Cragg (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) and Bob McQueen (University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand)
Copyright: © 2002 |Pages: 83
EISBN13: 9781599046587|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-93070-840-2.ch006
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NZmilk is a small, fresh milk supplier that is contemplating using IS to a greater extent to become more competitive. Following deregulation of the industry in 1997, supermarkets and home delivery contractors could purchase milk from wherever they chose, rather than a required local manufacturer. This had opened up both competition and expansion opportunities within the industry. NZmilk recognised that they would have to fight hard to retain and increase their share of the market. They had already lost some of their local market to competitors coming in from outside their region, but had also gained a contract to supply Woolworths supermarkets outside their traditional market area. Improvements to production facilities and distribution systems were in place, but NZmilk knew that a fresh look at how they interacted with their customers would be needed. Their general manager was convinced that information systems had a greater role to play at NZmilk beyond just the accounting and order processing that was presently undertaken. A new direction in using information systems to support NZmilk’s rapid growth and new strategy was needed, but he was unsure of which way to proceed.
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