Supervision: The Other Side of Cultural Diversity

Katrina Evette Miller (North Carolina Central University, USA)
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 312
EISBN13: 9781799855460|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2261-5.ch015
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This chapter addresses the cultural diversity of supervisees encountered by supervisors. This case study addresses the cultural dynamics of a clinical fellow from Saudi Arabia who is completing her clinical fellowship in the United States. Aneshia is a clinical fellow who received her Bachelor of Science degree from King Saud University in Saudi Arabia and then earned her Master's degree from an American university. As a Muslim woman such topics as dress, religion, and culture are described and addressed as it relates to Aneshia and her interaction with patients, coworkers, and caregivers. Areas such as appropriate communication distance, appropriate greetings, and physical interactions (oral motor examination, etc.) are discussed along with strategies for addressing these challenges. Areas including documentation as it relates to Arabic syntax and morphology versus standard American English are described. Strategies for working with professionals from Middle Eastern and Arabic countries are also discussed.
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