Tasmanian Police Call Centre Project: Offence Reporting Process

Leonie Thomas (University of Tasmania, Australia)
Copyright: © 2001 |Pages: 269
EISBN13: 9781599046259|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-87828-961-2.ch018
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This case study provides some insight into the development of a Call Centre in the Australian State of Tasmania for Tasmania Police. The Call Centre replaced the existing Criminal Offence Modus Operandi paper based system. The project was reliant on two other projects: Radio Network project and Project SAMSON (providing a standard desktop throughout the organisation). The project timeframe from conception to pilot was six months. The project had an operating budget of AUS $166,000. The project was managed by a project team with the development of the system outsourced to external contractors. The management of both the contractors and the internal information technology branch is a significant part of the case study along with system development. The organisation effectively used change management and change agents to help communicate information relating to the projects to the rest of the organisation. The aim of the project was to return as many police as possible back to their core activity, that is, policing.
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