Training Healthcare Providers to Establish Therapeutic Alliances With Patients: Lessons From Psychotherapy Training

Nicholas R. Morrison (VA Boston Healthcare System, USA & Harvard Medical School, USA) and David R. Topor (VA Boston Healthcare System, USA & Harvard Medical School, USA)
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 141
EISBN13: 9781799869139|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5092-2.ch006
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This chapter discusses a variety of practices the healthcare education community can adopt from the psychotherapy literature regarding therapeutic alliance training when supervising trainees, and provides a series of recommendations, grounded in the extant literature, to bring these practices to life. In addition to describing how healthcare educators can translate Bordin's therapeutic alliance model to the medical and allied health communities, this chapter discusses aspects of therapeutic alliance facilitation and maintenance supervisors can address explicitly in supervision, including attunement to the developmental stage of trainees, using the supervisory alliance with trainees, addressing issues of diversity and multiculturalism, and increasing trainee self-awareness in the service of alliance maintenance. Specific strategies including role-play, alliance measurement, and use of video/audio recording are discussed. Supervisors can apply these nomothetic concepts to their scopes of practice and address idiographic concerns with trainees that emerge in their patient populations.
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