Universal Design for Learning: Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for Deaf Learners in Lesotho for the Achievement of Sustainability

Olufemi Timothy Timothy Adigun (National University of Lesotho, Lesotho), Malephoto Niko Ruth Lephoto (National University of Lesotho, Lesotho), and Faisat Anike Tijani (Oakwood Montessori School, Nigeria)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 283
EISBN13: 9798369312599|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5834-1.ch009
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Lesotho, like many other countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa is working assiduously towards achieving sustainable development goals by 2030 and to ensure effective implementation of inclusive education. However, despite the efforts of the government, the education of deaf learners in the country still suffers some setbacks, partly because education of the deaf has not been given the much-needed attention by training and preparing teachers for deaf learners. While education of teachers for deaf learners is unavailable in either of the two teacher training institutions in the country, this chapter advocates for the infusion of the principles of the universal design for learning in the teacher education curriculum. This chapter therefore examines the current situation of education for the deaf in Lesotho and how existing teacher training institutions, through the proposed UDL model, can improve education provisions for deaf learners in the country. Based on the foregoing, the chapter provides implications for policy, practice, and research.
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