A Model for Reducing the Cost of Refueling in a Flight Route Problem With Discounted Fuel Prices

A Model for Reducing the Cost of Refueling in a Flight Route Problem With Discounted Fuel Prices

Said Ali Hassan, Miral Hossam Khodeir
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8040-0.ch001
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Acquiring and purchasing fuel represents a significant part of operating and managing expenses for an airline, so commercial airline companies are implementing strategies for minimizing costs of fuel for their flight routes. A nonlinear mathematical model for the airline refueling problem is presented to minimize the total cost in a flight route problem. The model is enhanced to include possible discounts in fuel prices, which are performed by adding dummy variables and some restrictive constraints, or by fitting a suitable function that relates prices to the purchased amounts. The obtained fuel plan explains exactly the amounts of fuel to be purchased from each airport in the route. A case study is introduced for a certain flight rotation in a domestic US air aviation company. The mathematical model including stepped discounted fuel prices is formulated, and the results show that introducing the discounted fuel prices dramatically change the strategy of fuel purchase amounts in the aircraft flight problem.
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The aviation sector connects the world in a special way, adding tremendous value to the world economy, it contributes 8% to the global economy. Aviation’s demand for oil accounts for approximately 5.8% of the world’s total demand and 12.7% of the transportation sector, This fact shows the importance of aviation in the future of energy and economy industry (Mazraati, & Faquih, 2008) and (Mazraati, & Alyousif, 2009).

International air transport is one of the most powerful and dynamic sectors in the world, with exponential growth since the beginning of the 19th century, it needs progressive and reactive operation at the highest professional levels (Radnoti, 2002). At the worldwide level, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) which is a specialized agency of the United Nations that works with its 191 Member States and industry groups used to change principles and policies and reach an agreement on the international civil aviation Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) in order to obtain a safe, secure and sustainable air operation (Weber, 2018). At the national level, airport consultative committees with the airport authorities exchange information and ideas, consult different aspects of the development programs of airport to keeping track of jet fuel costs world-wide and try to secure reductions and resolve any issues that may emerge (International Air Transport Association IATA, 2004).

There are a series of processes for planning flight operations for each season, including flight scheduling, fleet allocation, aircraft routing, and crew scheduling problems. The operation begins with determining the flight schedule, then assigning an aircraft to each required flight, building routes for a set of flights with specific maintenance locations, and finally, determining work schedules for the pilots and flight attendants (Guay et al., 2010) and (Clarke et al.,1997). Airlines usually create their schedules, presuming that each leg of the flight will depart and arrive as scheduled. These plans are often interrupted, and the airlines often suffer significant expenses. Airlines tried to develop a more comprehensive strategy to reduce the occurrence and impact of such delays and minimize costs and interference (Lan et al. 2006).

Airlines aim to optimize their operations to meet fuel efficiency objectives, they face challenges to execute efficiency measures in the day-to-day service of the airline and in the various business areas. They solve this challenge by thinking about how to drive cost and quality in four departments: ground operations, maintenance, flight operations, and finance as shown in Figure 1.

Optimizing the flight route aims to minimize the impact of the aircraft on the environment across the airport in a method that considers jet noise, fuel consumption, aircraft restrictions and constraints (Khardi, 2014). The flight operations concentrate on developing a system that can help manage the fuel usage (Rachman, 2019).

Figure 1.

Key initiative divisions for fuel efficiency


The fuel crisis in the 1970s gave rise to great attention on the issue of airline fuel management. Nowadays, the cost of jet fuel has become an increasing proportion of airline expenditures and one of the largest direct operational costs factors in the air transport industry (Stolzer, 2002) and (Airbus, 2004). Airbus, (2008) predicted that the fuel for a standard A320 family operator represents between 28-43 percent of the overall operating costs.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Flight Leg: A flight leg in a flight rotation or a flight return problem is a single flight segment in the route.

Tankering: Making an aircraft tank excess fuel more than the minimum required for the current flight-leg to be utilized in the following flight-legs to make advantage of price discrepancy at different airports.

Curve Fitting: Curve fitting defines a “best fit” model of the relationship between one or more independent variables (predictors) and a dependent variable (response variable).

Flight-Return: In a flight return problem, an aircraft flies to a series of consecutive airports and then returns back in the opposite direction to the initial airport.

Discounting: It is a decrease in the price of something as the purchased quantity increases.

State Variable: A state variable is one of the set of variables that describe the current “state” of a dynamical system. The state of a system describes as necessary about the system in the current instant of time and helps to determine its future behavior.

Flight-Rotation: In a flight rotation problem, an aircraft flies to a series of consecutive airports and then returns back from the last airport directly to the initial airport.

Dummy Variable: A dummy variable is one that is not actually in the core of the real problem. Meanwhile, it is added to in a mathematical model to help completing the problem formulation adequately.

Mathematical Model: It is a method to represent mathematically and solve real-world problems yield an optimal solution to the studied problem provided that good validated mathematical model is presented.

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