Adam Slagell

Adam Slagell is a senior security engineer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois where he leads the LAIM (Log Anonymization and Information Management) working group as the National Science Foundation (NSF) PI on a grant investigating effects of log anonymization on security, privacy, and usability. He is also the security architect and policy developer for the Blue Waters petascale computing project to build the world's fastest supercomputer in 2011. Mr. Slagell has worked on collaboration between the NCSA and the FBI, served as a co-chair of the SECOVAL workshop, and been a reviewer for IEEE journals and the NSF. His research interests and past projects include work in security visualization, applied cryptography, secure group communication, secure e-mail list services, digital forensics, honeypots, risk analysis, and intrusion detection.


Collaborative Computer Security and Trust Management
Jean-Marc Seigneur, Adam Slagell. © 2010. 317 pages.
As the Internet grows and connects the world in new ways, computer security must become global and collaborative to understand and react to harmful security threats....
Challenges in Sharing Computer and Network Logs
Adam Slagell, Kiran Lakkaraju. © 2010. 17 pages.
It is desirable for many reasons to share information, particularly computer and network logs. Researchers need it for experiments, incident responders need it for collaborative...
Challenges in Sharing Computer and Network Logs
Adam Slagell, Kiran Lakkaraju. © 2010. 16 pages.
It is desirable for many reasons to share information, particularly computer and network logs. Researchers need it for experiments, incident responders need it for collaborative...