Aprilia Kusumaningtyas

Aprilia Kusumaningtyas was born on 25 April 1995 in Denpasar, Bali. In 2013 the author continued her undergraduate education at President University, Bekasi, West Java until graduating in 2017 as a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, with Diplomacy as the concentration. After graduating from college, the author worked at a Public Relations (PR) Agency company in Jakarta as a PR Consultant since 2018. Then in 2019, the author was registered as a student at Binus Business School, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta majoring in Business Management, and graduated in December 2021.


Job Satisfaction and Work Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Involuntary Work From Home of Higher Education in Indonesia
Ida Nyoman Basmantra, Aprilia Kusumaningtyas, Mochammad Firmansyah, Sevenpri Candra. © 2023. 24 pages.
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the nature of work. Involuntary work from home (IWFH), another form of telework, is increasingly promoted in sectors as a means to ensure...