David Bell

David Bell has been a full professor at Queen's University of Belfast since 2002 and before that he was a full professor at University of Ulster since 1986. He holds a DSc and a PhD degree from the University of Ulster. His research addresses the issues of functionality and performance in data and knowledge management systems, and linking these to reasoning under uncertainty, machine learning, and other artificial intelligence techniques – exploiting the close relationship between evidence and data. For many years he has been a programme committee member of the IEEE Conference on Data Engineering, and several other International Conferences. He has been programme committee chairman of several international conferences, including Very Large Database (VLDB) Conference in 1993. He was a panel member (1994-98) of the UK Cabinet Office’s Technology Foresight programme and continues to be an associate member. He is an associate editor of the Pergamon Press journal “Information Systems” and was previously editor-in-chief of another Pergamon Press Journal "Database Technology" and the Computer Journal. He has refereed for many journals. His publication list contains well over 300 papers and books.


David Bell. © 2009. 2 pages.
This Foreword is included in the book Post-Mining of Association Rules: Techniques for Effective Knowledge Extraction.
Knowledge Discovery in Databases with Diversity of Data Types
QingXiang Wu, Martin McGinnity, Girijesh Prasad, David Bell. © 2009. 7 pages.
Data mining and knowledge discovery aim at finding useful information from typically massive collections of data, and then extracting useful knowledge from the information. To...