Goutam Roy

Goutam RoyGoutam Roy is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Education and Research (IER), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He completed his MSc in Educational Science and Technology at the University of Twente in the Netherlands and his MEd in Educational Evaluation and Research at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His teaching and research interests include assessment in education, primary and non-formal education, and use of technology in education. Prior to joining academia, he has worked for two international NGOs as an education researcher for around ten years and has produced a number of research and technical reports in the areas of students’ assessment, non-formal education, and primary education. Besides, he has published articles in scholarly journals in the area of student-centred education, students’ assessment and primary education, and has authored several modules, teachers’ guides, books, and book chapters. Currently, he is serving as an editorial board member in Bangladesh Education Periodical and also worked as an Assistant Editor for the Bangladesh Journal of Educational Research.


Obstacles in Science Teaching in Colleges in Bangladesh: Teachers' Perspectives
Goutam Roy, Sheikh Shahbaz Riad. © 2024. 26 pages.
College science teachers face several challenges worldwide, and Bangladesh is no exception. Several studies addressed various challenges in the context of Bangladeshi college...
Transition to Blended Learning in a Limited Resource Setting: Administrators' and Teachers' Perceptions
Goutam Roy, Md. Minhazul Abdin. © 2023. 22 pages.
From the online learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, the higher educational institutions of Bangladesh are considering integrating online education into traditional...
Student Motivation in Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case of Bangladesh
Goutam Roy, Sushmita Dutta, Sanjida Akter Tanni, Arifur Rahman. © 2023. 30 pages.
In recent years, motivation has received noticeable research attention. Self-motivated students' online learning efforts can be influenced by their ability to control their...
Undergraduate Students' Motivation to Online Learning in a Low-Resource Setting: Challenges and Expectations
Goutam Roy, Arifur Rahman, Sanjida Akter Tanni, Sushmita Dutta. © 2023. 29 pages.
Motivation is essential to online learning since it determines students' engagement, involvement, perseverance, and academic performance. This chapter sheds light on the...
Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainability in the Bangladeshi School Curriculum
M. Mahruf C. Shohel, Goutam Roy, Tanjeeba Chowdhury, Atm Shafiul Alam, Shahriar Shams. © 2021. 25 pages.
Bangladesh is one of the most affected countries by climate change and extremely vulnerable to environmental degradation. Young people, as the new generation, need to understand...