Keka Talukdar

Keka Talukdar has a B.Sc. in Physics. Got M.Sc. Degree from the University of Burdwan with specialization of Nuclear and Particle Physics. Received Ph.D. degree on computational nanoscience from NIT Durgapur on 2011. Still working with collaboration with NIT Durgapur. Also worked as Research Associate in the Institute of Genomics and BIo-medical Research. Research interests: Modeling and simulation of CNTs and graphene properties, nanobiophysics, biosensor and ion channel simulation. Publications: Published 23 papers in reputed international journals. Also published 4 book chapters with international publishers including one with Wiley. Award and Scholarship: Got National Scholarship from Education Directorate of West Bengal for M.Sc. study. Got one poster award and one best paper award in the international conferences. Have three conference papers outside India. Other achievements: Reviewer of two reputed Elsevier Journals: Materials Science and Engineering B and Mechanics of Materials, Springer journal: Nanoscale Research Letters. Also reviewer of ANTJ Journal and Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. Member of editorial board of Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal. Got call for Invited Talk from the International conferences outside India.


Advancing Medicine through Nanotechnology and Nanomechanics Applications
Keka Talukdar, Mayank Bhushan, Anil Shantappa Malipatil. © 2017. 359 pages.
The application of nanotechnology within the medical sphere has had a significant influence on how diseases and conditions are treated and diagnosed. While many strides have been...
Ion Channels, Nanomechanics, and Nanomedicine
Keka Talukdar. © 2017. 18 pages.
Ion channels are naturally occurring pores found in all living organisms. These may be of different types, activated by many stimuli, but their addition or alteration may cause...
Performance Analysis of FET-Based Nanoiosensors by Computational Method
Keka Talukdar, Anil Shantappa Malipatil. © 2017. 32 pages.
Human body has a hierarchy of structures. There are many organs which are affected much earlier by a disease when it is detected. Most modern sensors can detect anomalies when...