Maria João Carneiro

Maria João Carneiro is Assistant Professor of Tourism at the University of Aveiro (UA) (in Portugal) and researcher at the Governance, Competitiveness, and Public Policy (GOVCOPP) research unit at this University. She holds a Degree in Tourism Management and Planning from UA, an MBA from New University of Lisbon and a PhD in Tourism from UA. She is the Vice-Director of the degree program (licenciatura) in Tourism of the UA. She has published papers in several journals and conference proceedings, and has also presented several works in conferences and seminars. Her research interests are competitiveness of tourism destinations, consumer behaviour in tourism and destination marketing.


ICT Tools and Applications for Accessible Tourism
Celeste Eusébio, Leonor Teixeira, Maria João Carneiro. © 2021. 356 pages.
The contribution of tourism to create an inclusive society requires the adoption of new approaches and strategies that promote the accessibility of tourism destinations, allowing...
Destination Management Systems Implementation
João Vaz Estêvão, Maria João Carneiro, Leonor Teixeira. © 2015. 10 pages.