Ricardo Gudwin

Ricardo Gudwin received his B.S. degree in 1989, M.S. degree in 1992, and Ph.D. in 1996, all of them in electrical engineering from the State University of Campinas, Brazil. He is currently an associate professor at the State University of Campinas, a member of IEEE and the Computer Society. He is also the head of the Computational Semiotics Group, member of the board of governors of Semiotics-Evolution-Energy Virtual Institute in Toronto, Canada, and member of editorial board of the Online Journal for Semiotics, Evolution, Energy Development, published by the SEE Virtual Institute.


A Scene-Based Episodic Memory System for a Simulated Autonomous Creature
Elisa C. Castro, Ricardo R. Gudwin. © 2013. 33 pages.
In this paper the authors present the development of a scene-based episodic memory module for the cognitive architecture controlling an autonomous virtual creature, in a...
International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems (IJSSS)
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A.. Est. 2011.
The International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems (IJSSS) combines interdisciplinary approaches on theoretical, empirical, formal, and computational research that...
Research Commentaries on Cangelosi’s “Solutions and Open Challenges for the Symbol Grounding Problem”
Stevan Harnad, Luc Steels, Tony Belpaeme, Carol J. Madden, Stéphane Lallée, Peter Ford Dominey, Stephen J. Cowley, Juyang Weng, Alberto Greco, Barbara Giolito, Domenico Parisi, Vincent C. Müller, Angelo Loula, João Queiroz, Ricardo Gudwin, Angelo Cangelosi. © 2011. 25 pages.
Artificial Cognition Systems
Angelo Loula, Ricardo Gudwin, João Queiroz. © 2007. 418 pages.
Artificial Cognition Systems presents recent research efforts in artificial intelligence about building artificial systems capable of performing cognitive tasks. Such study...
Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development
Ricardo Gudwin, João Queiroz. © 2007. 368 pages.
The fields of artificial intelligence, intelligence control, and intelligent systems are constantly changing in the subject area of information science and technology. Semiotics...
Synthetic Approach to Semiotic Artificial Creatures
Angelo Loula, Ricardo Gudwin, Sidarta Ribeiro, Ivan de Araujo, João Queiroz. © 2005. 31 pages.
Here we propose, based on the Peircean semiotics and informed by neuroethological constraints, a methodology to simulate the emergence of symbolic predator-warning communication...