Sumesh Dadwal

Sumesh Dadwal has 22 years of experience in research, teaching, e-Learning, quality management, and examination assessment in a wide range of business subjects. Currently, Sumesh is working as a Sr. Lecturer of Strategy and Course Director at LSBU Business School. Before joining LSBU, he worked as Sr. Lecturer, Dissertation Lead, and Programme Leader with Northumbria Universities London campus and also as an associate with London Graduate School and Regent College London (Bucks New University and the University of Bolton, UK). Dr Dawdal has also worked as an associate lecturer with Birkbeck College (UoL), University of West London, Plymouth University (GSM, London), Uni of Roehampton UK, and also worked as a Sr. lecturer and Programme Leader (MBA) at Glyndwr University London. Sumesh has hands-on experience in managing departments and in supporting the implementation of effective quality management systems. Previously, Dr Dawdal has also worked with QAA, UK, He has designed, developed, and supported for validation and review of the various programme. He has published in journals and books.


Drivers of SME Growth and Sustainability in Emerging Markets
Sumesh Dadwal, Pawan Kumar, Rajesh Verma, Gursimranjit Singh. © 2024. 308 pages.
Various sectors of emerging markets face unique challenges, largely related to the gap between small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) research and practice. The relationship...
Demystifying the Dark Side of AI in Business
Sumesh Dadwal, Shikha Goyal, Pawan Kumar, Rajesh Verma. © 2024. 268 pages.
Demystifying the Dark Side of AI in Business delves into the often-overlooked negative aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications for organizations. In an era...
Convergence of Human Resources Technologies and Industry 5.0
Pawan Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Rajesh Verma, Sumesh Dadwal. © 2024. 363 pages.
Through a combination of rapid technological advancement and the ongoing digital revolution, the role of Human Resources (HR) in shaping organizational trajectories has seen...
Corporate Cybersecurity in the Aviation, Tourism, and Hospitality Sector
Pavan Thealla, Vipin Nadda, Sumesh Dadwal, Latif Oztosun, Giuseppe Cantafio. © 2024. 343 pages.
The rapid advancement of Industry 4.0 technologies is revolutionizing the travel, tourism, and hospitality industries, offering unparalleled opportunities for innovation and...
Opportunities and Challenges of Business 5.0 in Emerging Markets
Sumesh Dadwal, Pawan Kumar, Rajesh Verma, Gursimranjit Singh. © 2023. 357 pages.
It seems that when businesses were finally understanding, implementing, and getting used to industry 4.0, the term 5.0 came about. Industry 5.0 takes human touch, innovation, and...
Investigating the Factors, Challenges, and Role of Stakeholders in Implementing Industry 5.0 and Its Impact on Supply Chain Operations: A Study of the Global Agri-Food Supply Chain
Shivali Sunil Kankekar, Sumesh Singh Dadwal, Adbul Ali. © 2023. 27 pages.
Industry 5.0 may assist businesses to become more constructive and competitive in the global economy in the Fifith Industrial Revolution era. Therefore, a critical review of...
Industry 5.0 and Environmental, Social, and Governance Initiatives in Supply Chain Sustainability: A Study of the European Fast Fashion Industry
Anguselvam Sekaran, Sumesh Singh Dadwal, Adbul Ali. © 2023. 21 pages.
Industry 5.0 requires an organisation to maintain supply chain sustainability by using environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, thus avoiding social...
Management of Health and Safety Risks at Large Events: Process, Procedures, and Factors
Sumesh Singh Dadwal, Dhanwant Dadwal. © 2021. 16 pages.
This chapter details and guides managers and researchers to consider organisational culture, risk management systems, procedures, principles, and processes to manage larger...
Handbook of Research on Innovations in Technology and Marketing for the Connected Consumer
Sumesh Singh Dadwal. © 2020. 532 pages.
Connected customers, using a wide range of devices such as smart phones, tablets, and laptops have ushered in a new era of consumerism. Now more than ever, this change has...
Technology and Sharing Economy-Based Business Models for Marketing to Connected Consumers
Sumesh Singh Dadwal, Arshad Jamal, Tim Harris, Guy Brown, Siti Raudhah. © 2020. 32 pages.
The new technological innovations are changing the ways businesses are being operated. The sharing economy-based new business models (SEBMs) using technology have many benefits...
Innovative Trends in Technology for Marketing of Events
Julian Joy, Sumesh Singh Dadwal, Philiph A. Pryce. © 2020. 27 pages.
Technology is playing a pivotal role in shaping the operations and marketing and events industry. The modern event manager has understood that the event success or failure may...
Management of Health and Safety Risks at Large Events: Process, Procedures, and Factors
Sumesh Singh Dadwal, Dhanwant Dadwal. © 2020. 21 pages.
This chapter details and guides managers and researchers to consider organisational culture, risk management systems, procedures, principles, and processes to manage larger...
Developing Tourism Sector With Neoliberalism Orientated Strategies in Countries With Scarce Financial Resources
Sumesh Singh Dadwal. © 2019. 13 pages.
This chapter explores the idea of tourism development and discusses ideologies and strategies for developing and least developing countries. The chapters explore the ideology of...
Service Sector and Antecedents of Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets: A Case of Indian Market
Sumesh Singh Dadwal. © 2018. 24 pages.
Emerging Markets are of huge interest not only to MNCs, but also to many national governments of developed and developing countries. The size and prospectus of opportunities and...
Promotional Strategies and New Service Opportunities in Emerging Economies
Vipin Nadda, Sumesh Dadwal, Roya Rahimi. © 2017. 417 pages.
Continuous improvements in emerging economies have created more opportunities for industrialization and rapid growth. This not only leads to higher standards in accounting and...
Service Sector and Antecedents of Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets: A Case of Indian Market
Sumesh Singh Dadwal. © 2017. 31 pages.
Emerging Markets are of huge interest not only to MNCs, but also to many national governments of developed and developing countries. The size and prospectus of opportunities and...