Vicent Martines

Vicent Martines is Professor at the University of Alicante. He is the Director of ISIC-IVITRA and of the Seu Universitaria La Nucía (University of Alicante). He is a member of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona. He is the Co-director of the Centre Internacional d’Investigació d’Estudis Ibèrics / Internationales Institüt für Iberische Studien (Universitat d’Alacant / Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg) and of the Center for Catalan Studies (UCSB). He is chief editor of Series IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, John Benjamin (Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Philadelphia, USA) and co-editor of eHumanista/IVITRA. He also co-directs Mirabilia/MedTrans and Studia Iberica et Americana. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies, Director of the "Filología Catalana" & "Clásicos Valencianos" series of the Editorial Atenea-Centro de Lingüística Aplicada and the “European and Mediterranean Classics” series of Peter Lang International Publishing Company. He is the director of the "Textes catalanes modernes" series of the Classiques Garnier (Paris, France) and of the "Textes catalans du Moyen Âge" series of the Textes littéraires du Moyen Âge (Paris, France). He has received numerous awards (Institut d´Estudis Catalans, 1988; Premi d´Investigació Historicocultural Ibn Al-Abbar, Generalitat Valenciana, Ajuntament d´Onda, 1990; Premio de Ensayo de Catalán, Gallego y Vasco de la Fundación Ortega y Gasset, Fundació “La Caixa”, 1993). He is the author of over 200 publications, among which we could mention Multilingual Joan Roís de Corella. The Relevance of a Fisteenth-Century Classic of the Crown of Aragon (2013), Bernat Metge, The Book of Fortune and Prudence (2013), Lo regiment de la cosa pública en el Dotzé del (2009), etc.


Antonio Cortijo Ocaña, Vicent Martines, Veronica Orazi. © 2023. 4 pages.
This Preface is included in the book Managing Pandemic Isolation With Literature as Therapy.
History of Catalonia and Its Implications for Contemporary Nationalism and Cultural Conflict
Antonio Cortijo Ocaña, Vicent Martines. © 2021. 300 pages.
Recent political developments in Spain regarding Catalonia have prompted scholars from several disciplines to research the singularity of this region and of the territories of...
Rosabel Roig-Vila, Vicent Martines. © 2020. 3 pages.
This Foreword is included in the book International Approaches to Bridging the Language Gap.