Alliance Strategic and Organizational Form, Managerial and Market Engangement to Improve Performance

Alliance Strategic and Organizational Form, Managerial and Market Engangement to Improve Performance

Andi Oetari, Zainul Arifin
DOI: 10.4018/IJPMPA.2020010101
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The purpose of this study examines whether the strategic alliance affects the organizational form, managerial strategy, market engagement, and performance and how these variables interact in order to become a mutually beneficial partnership. The study took place in Indonesia, especially in Java, to the parties related to the strategic alliance between PT Transportasi Jakarta and bus operators in investment and management of Busway in DKI Jakarta. The study took place is in Indonesia especially Java Island and not only in DKI Jakarta. Findings in this study is have significant and positive effect on organizational form, in other hands, the strategic alliance has a non-signifncant effect to performance, managerial strategy, and market engangement. The novelty in this study is the market engagement variable examined by looking at the relationship between the strategic alliance and market engagement, managerial strategy and market engagement, and market engagement and performance.
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1. Introduction

Education is a process that equips one with knowledge about how to behave, talk, and learn the science to give others benefits. Therefore, each person deserves proper education as a means of self-development. Generally, education is a process in life that develops one’s ability to survive and to live a better life. As stated in the Act Number 20 of 2002 on the National Education System Chapter 1, Article 1, Verse (1); education is a conscious and well-planned effort to create variable learning atmosphere and learning process that make students actively develop their potentials in order to have better spiritual intelligence, self-control, personality, intelligence, attitude, and various skills which are needed by themselves, the society, the nation and the country.

The definition above implies that education is a deliberate process that should be well-thought in order to develop any potentials in students by creating favorable learning environment that motivates the students to actively explore their potentials to achieve certain learning goals and competencies. Education creates one’s sense of competition and stronger motivation to be better in every life aspect. In order to concern the aims consolidated with engaging the beliefs in the variety of organizations, attempts to boost the attractive initiation to grow in both talent and attention with enhancing effectivity should be transformed to achieve the certain objectives. In organization aspect, to concern the aims consolidated with motivation in the variety of organizations, attempts to boost the attractive initiation to grow in both talent and attention with enhancing effectivity should be transformed to achieve the certain objectives (Huda, 2019). In addition, education is a pre-condition to run better governance.

Schools are educational units that count for the accomplishment of the goals of national education. Schools should conduct their role effectively and schools have to be well-managed to optimally achieve the predetermined goals of national education. Unprofessional school management may appear as an obstacle in the education process and hinders the school from running its optimal function as a formal education institution. The term management comes from English, which is from the word to manage, which means managing, managing, implementing, managing and treat (Ali, 2018).

A school that implements professional management has adequate human resources including qualified school principle, teachers and other educational staffs. School principal holds a key role in determining the direction of school policies. The success of a school in achieving its predetermined goals depends on the vision set by the school principal as the one who has the control over the school management.

A school principal need to have adequate knowledge about school management. The core essence of management of school principal is anything that a principal needs to know in running a management of a school to achieve its goals. This view is in line with Usman (2014) who stated that management is any plan, organization, direction and control activities (P4) upon the available resources to achieve the organizational goals in the most effective and efficient ways. School management includes: school program planning, implemenetation of school program, school principal leadership, monitoring/evaluation, and school information system.

School principals are demanded to be able to synergize every component, potential and the environment around school to work simultaneously for school advancement. School principal’s attitudes are reflected by the interaction between organizational management function (planning, organization, implementation and evaluation) and the substantive function (academic units, human resource, finance, facility, public relation, special service, etc) that count for goal accomplishment in the most effective and efficient ways.

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