An IoT-Based Platform for Rehabilitation Monitoring and Biosignal Identification

An IoT-Based Platform for Rehabilitation Monitoring and Biosignal Identification

Volkhard Klinger
DOI: 10.4018/IJPHIM.2018010101
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This article describes how as a result of technological advances of the embedded system, the Internet-of-Things (IoT) has created a wealth of new applications and tailored solutions, even in the area of health and medical technology. The integration of state-of-the-art IoT-systems in an existing prototype platform for biosignal acquisition, identification, and prosthesis control provides new applications for prevention and rehabilitation monitoring. This article concentrates on an IoT-based platform for rehabilitation monitoring and biosignal identification. The IoT-characteristics for the application in the area of medical technology are discussed and the integration of such IoT-modules in the given architecture is introduced. Based on this extended architecture, new applications in the field of biosignal measurement, signal processing and biosignal monitoring are presented. Some results of a rehabilitation monitoring system, based on a self-designed IoT-module, integrated in the whole platform, are shown.
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2. The Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) covers the use of connected devices and systems providing intelligence based on computing capabilities to leverage information acquired by embedded sensors and actuators integrated in smart clothes, technical components and other physical objects. The Internet of Things creates new opportunities to link sensors, actuators or intelligent decentralized systems either with each other or with other systems (Bajaj et al., 2017; Bassi et al., 2013; Streitz and Markopoulos, 2017). The IoT-Roadmap promotes new technologies and, therefore, new challenges.

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