Communication Trust and Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for WSN Using D-S Theory

Communication Trust and Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for WSN Using D-S Theory

Srinivasan Palanisamy, Sankar S., Ramasubbareddy Somula, Ganesh Gopal Deverajan
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/IJGHPC.2021100102
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Wireless sensor networks (WSN) deployed in open environments make nodes prone to various security attacks due to their resource constrained nature. The compromised nodes are used to mislead the sensed data and disrupt communication, which can affect the entire decision-making system based on the sensed data. It is also possible to drain the sensor nodes energy and reduce the battery life of the networks. Trust models are the preferred mechanism to secure WSN. In this paper, the authors present communication trust and energy aware (CTEA) routing protocol that make use of the proposed trust model to mitigate the effects of badmouth and energy drain attacks. They use Dempster theory to compute communication trust and also consider the energy metric, to establish the route for data transfer. The simulation result shows that the proposed trust model increases the packet delivery ratio, residual energy, and network lifetime by mitigating the nodes misbehaviour in presence of energy drain and bad mouth attacks.
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2. Review Of The Existing Trust Models

This section presents a review on the existing trust mechanism for the WSN.

Trust is represented as the belief level that a sensor node have on its neighbour node. A node with high trust value i.e. 1 will have high reliability for data transfer and malicious node will have lower trust value.Trust is classified as direct trust, indirect trust and recommendation trust based on the way they are computed. Direct trust is calculated based on the direct observation of communication behaviours of its neighbour node. Indirect trust is calculated based on the recommendation from its neighbouring nodes and whereas recommendation trust is calculated based on the recommendation from the third party. The efficient mechanisms are used to filter reliable recommendation from the third party.

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