Comprehension of Technology in Parent-Child Activities Using Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain

Comprehension of Technology in Parent-Child Activities Using Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain

Tzu-Hsiang Ger, Yao-Ming Chu, Mei-Chen Chang
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/ijide.2014010102
(Individual Articles)
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Science museums often hold various science education activities in exhibition halls to enhance visitors' cognition and comprehension of science and technology. However, the experience and knowledge accumulated during the participation in technological experiential and learning activities merits exploration. This study conducts a quantitative survey and qualitatively analyzes the data based on the taxonomy of educational objectives that are outlined in the revised version of Bloom's taxonomy handbook. The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of life creativity contests held by museums for elementary school children and their parents on the participants' conceptual cognition of water conservation technologies. A survey is designed to evaluate the change in the participants' conceptual cognition of the technologies, and includes questionnaires on water consumption habits in daily lives, understanding of the water resources in the Taiwan region, and uses of and opinions on water-saving devices. A method on which the assessment of the conceptual knowledge of the participants was based was a content analysis of the interviews. The findings of this study suggested: (a) the creativity contest provided diverse opportunities to improve the participants' cognitive concepts of water conservation; (b) this activity also has positively influenced the learning of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of water conservation technologies.
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2. Literature Review

2.1. Creativity Contests Improve Learning Motivation

Focus concept-based exploration can prompt learners to think and integrate information (Erickson, 2002).

Creativity contests provide a “do-it-yourself” learning opportunity and have become an effective way of learning, in which the participants could apply what they have memorized from the past to the contests, or even amend it to establish correct new knowledge. Hong suggested that the purpose of creativity contests is to promote innovation (Hong, 2003); and creativity design-themed activities could strengthen the creativity designs of life technologies and the core abilities of creation (Hou, 2005). It is hoped that the participants’ capabilities of creativity thinking and creation can be stimulated through their participation in the contests, and that they will have memorable experiences and develop deep understanding of the basic principles of science and technology (Chou, 2005).

These types of activities can allow students to link their life experiences and technology. Through practical design activities, discussions, thinking, and the exercise of judgment, the students’ higher-order thinking ability is cultivated and their values are established (Lin & Yu, 2004).

Creativity contests emphasize being ready to respond, unconfined by predetermined mindset; not only having to effectively apply past experiences to new challenges, but also needing to think and try more. In addition to knowing how to do it, one needs to learn how to think so as to develop their ability in critical thinking and creativity (Lumsdaine & Lumsdaine, 1995). Lin (2002) indicated that parents’ creativity approach toward upbringing is highly correlated with the life experiences of senior elementary school children about creativity. Creativity is also one of the key ingredients of playfulness (Staempfli, 2005; Huang, 2006).

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