CSCLab: A Cloud-Based Platform for Managing Computing Labs

CSCLab: A Cloud-Based Platform for Managing Computing Labs

Paula Prata, Samuel Alves
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/IJCAC.2015100103
(Individual Articles)
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This paper presents a platform to create and manage virtual computing laboratories using Cloud resources. Using this platform a professor can create a customized laboratory according to the class needs. The laboratory is composed of a set of virtual machines that students may use to get access to the necessary computing resources to attend the class. The platform aims at the creation of a solution to avoid proprietary lock in's, and it was designed to be agnostic to the cloud infrastructure. The machines of the lab can be accessed using some remote desktop protocol and managed by non-experts users.
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This section reviews the cloud computing model, the use of VCLs in educational institutions and the paper of the cloud in it. Finally, it describes the advantages of the proposed solution over existent ones.

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