The Development of E-Portfolio Evaluation Criteria and Application to the Blackboard LMS E-Portfolio

The Development of E-Portfolio Evaluation Criteria and Application to the Blackboard LMS E-Portfolio

Gary F. McKenna, Mark Stansfield
DOI: 10.4018/jvple.2012010102
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The purpose of this paper is to develop e-portfolio evaluation criteria which will be used to review the Blackboard LMS e-portfolio being used at one Higher Education (HE) institution in the UK as evaluation criteria for reviewing e-portfolio provision does not exist in the literature. The approach taken was to initiate a wide literature search which involved reviewing over 600 articles by their abstract dating from 1995 to 2010. The findings show that little has been written about the development of e-portfolio effective practice frameworks. Therefore e-learning effective practice frameworks were used as a basis from which to design and develop an e-portfolio evaluation framework and then apply it to the university case which uses a Blackboard e-portfolio to support Personal Development Plans. The research provides a starting-point for further research into the development of robust e-portfolio evaluation models and frameworks.
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2. Background To The Case Study

This review evaluated e-learning system criteria at a higher educational institution in the UK, their initiatives for implementing and facilitating Personal Development Plans (PDP), and the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS). A literature search was conducted to ascertain an evaluation framework that could be used to review the institution’s provision for LMS e-portfolio templates. This was because at the time of conducting the literature review there appeared to be a lack of evaluation criteria for assessing e-portfolios. As a result of this it was decided to review the e-learning literature as a basis for identifying e-portfolio assessment criteria that could be incorporated into the development of an e-portfolio evaluation framework. An e-learning framework was adapted from a previous study carried out by Stansfield and Connolly (2009) which has been recently developed and implemented in a multi HE campus environment and deemed suitable for our purposes.

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