Digital Marketing Analytics: The Web Dynamics of Inside Blackberry Blog

Digital Marketing Analytics: The Web Dynamics of Inside Blackberry Blog

Shirin Alavi, Vandana Ahuja
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/ijide.2014100104
(Individual Articles)
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Technological advances and the speed with which new technologies are being embraced by organizations, along with the rising power of the consumers and their ability to get what they want, when they want it, from whomever they want, have opened up new challenges for customer relationship management and marketing. Thus the need for understanding the digital world and its application becomes one of the greatest competitive aspects for a business's survival. The exhortation of globalization holds no meaning without the concept of what is being termed as ‘Digitization'. Blackberry has started a long and hard climb to regain its lost glory. Supporting its product improvement and repositioning strategies are a set of well-defined digital marketing strategies. This manuscript explores the dynamics of Inside Blackberry-an online endeavour of Blackberry to trace the E-Marketing objectives of the Blog and its ability to leverage the behavioral internet theory for online branding, building usability and reciprocity, strengthening credibility and consumer persuasion.
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2. Literature Review

2.1. Blogs

Blogs are customizable online web spaces that allow users to post content, which is displayed in reverse chronological order. Depending on the blogging software or service used, entries may include video and other rich media. Visitors to an individual’s personal blog can typically post comments to specific entries and can also elect to be automatically notified whenever a new entry has been posted by subscribing to a blog’s feed. Blogs are personal journals or reversed chronological commentaries written by individuals and made publicly accessible on the web. To many people, blogs are not much different from regular websites; however, they have distinctive technological features that differentiate them from other forms of computer mediated communication. These features include: (i) easy-to-use content management system; (ii) archive-oriented structure; (iii) latest-information-first order; (iv) links to other blogs; and (v) ease of responding to previous blog postings (Huffaker, D. A., & Calvert, S. L, 2005). However, with the evolution of blogging technology, and the fast expansion of the blogosphere, the form, content and functions of blogs have expanded tremendously. These weblogs are often perceived as low threshold tools to publish online, empowering individual expression in public. Although a weblog is a personal writing space, its public nature suggests a need to communicate, (Efimova, L., & Hendrick, S. 2005) and invites feedback. Weblogs can be positioned as their own genre, situated on an intermediate point between standard web pages and asynchronous computer mediated communication along dimensions of frequency of update, symmetry of communicative exchange and multimodality (Herring, S. C. 2007). Because of the flexible and interconnected nature of blogs, people can use blogs for various purposes including: keeping personal diary (Bortree, D. S. 2005), interacting with other bloggers building a virtual community; and disseminating messages to a mass audience (Lawson-Borders, G., & Kirk, R. 2005).

Even though the majority of blogs contain personal thoughts or feelings of authors that are not intended for mass dissemination, blogs exist in a public arena, the Internet, and messages posted in blogs are open to anyone with an Internet connection (Gurak, L. J., Antonijevic, S., Johnson, L., Ratliff, C., & Reyman, J. 2004). More and more bloggers are recognizing this mass communication potential of blogs and use blogs to publish their opinions on public issues and to disseminate them to a mass audience (Trammell, K. D., & Keshelashvili, A. 2005). Bloggers desire connection with their audience, want to insert themselves into known, sometimes unknown social spaces, to update, inform or advise, to greet or grumble, to pontificate, confess, create and to think (Nardi, B. A., Schiano, D. J., Gumbrecht, M., & Swartz, L. 2004). Blogs are a global phenomenon that has hit the mainstream. Discussions in the Blogosphere have been used by the media as a gauge of public opinion on various issues. The active Blogosphere can be defined as - The ecosystem of interconnected communities of bloggers and readers at the convergence of journalism and conversation (Barsky, E. 2006). Bloggers are not a homogeneous group. There are personal, professional and corporate bloggers, all having differing goals and covering a myriad range of topics, using different techniques to drive traffic to their blogs, different publishing tools on their blog and distinct metrics for measuring success. Social exchange via Blog fosters enterprise reputation (Wu, C. H., Kao, S. C., & Lin, H. H. 2013).

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