Formulating the Building Blocks for National Cyberpower

Formulating the Building Blocks for National Cyberpower

JC Jansen van Vuuren, Louise Leenen, Graeme Plint, Jannie Zaaiman, Jackie Phahlamohlaka
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/IJCWT.2017070102
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Cyber threats pose a growing risk to national security for all nations; cyberpower is consequently becoming an increasingly prominent driver in the attainment of national security for any state. This paper investigates the national cyberpower environment by analysing the elements of cyberspace as part of national security. David Jablonsky (1997) distinguishes between natural and social determinants of power in his discussion of national power. Also, Jablonsky refers to Ray Cline's formula (Cline, 1993) to determine a rough estimate of “perceived” national power by focusing primarily on a state's capacity to wage war. In this paper, the formula for Perceived Power (PP) will be adapted for use in cyberspace to create a similar formula for Perceived Cyberpower (PCP) that focuses primarily on a state's capacity for cyberwarfare. Military cyberpower is one of the critical elements of cyberpower. The paper also discusses how to operationalise military cyberpower.
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National Security

National governments have the responsibility to provide, regulate and maintain national security, which includes cybersecurity or human security to their citizens (Jablonsky, 2001). David Jablonsky (2001) defines national security as that part of government policy with the objective to create national and international political conditions favourable for the protection, or the extension of vital national values, against existing or potential adversaries. He extends this definition by adding the respective elements of the power base of the state and the priorities that are seen as of important and/or national interest. Jablonsky’s (2001) description of the concept of national security regarding the elements of national power can be regarded as a significant contribution to national security theory, even though there are as many definitions of the concept as there are scholars of national security. For this reason, the definition of national security as formulated by (Phahlamohlaka, 2008) is adopted: “The provision of security to the state and of human security to its citizens as well as the protection of national and human interests together with state borders through the projection of national power”.

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