IGI Global e-Collections

Peer-Reviewed, Research-Based e-Collections in Three Subject Areas: Business, STM, and Education & Social Sciences

e-Book Collection

8,000+ e-Books (120,000+ Chapters With More Than One Million References) of Peer-Reviewed Research in Three Major Subject Areas

e-Book Collections

Coverage Across Fundamental Academic Areas, Including Business, STM, Education, and More

Emerging Topic e-Collections

17 e-Book Collections Featuring Topics Such as Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and More

e-Journal Collection Archive

IGI Global's Full Portfolio of 175+ Journals have been Converted to Gold Open Access for 2023. Customizable Acquisitions Options for the Highly Cited, Archived Content are Available.

Benefits and Services for Librarians

COUNTER Compliant Reports
Downloadable MARC Records
RSS feeds
Persistent URLs at Any Time
Supporting SRU Industry Interoperability Standards
Customization with Your Institution's Name and Logo
No Fees Whatsoever for Any Maintenance or Services
Perpetual, Current-Year Purchase, and Annual Subscription
Google Scholar Subscriber Links
Archival Access Preservation Through CLOCKSS and LOCKSS

Benefits and Services to Researchers

No DRM: Copy, Paste, and Print Directly from the Platform
Advanced, Fast, Full-Text Search Engine with Ranked Results
Precise Search and Retrieval through Chapter-Level Indexing
Spell-Check and Auto-Complete Search Suggestions
Filtering Options Available to Refine Your Search Results
Full-Text HTML and PDF Viewing Options
Formatted Citations with Ability to Export to RefWorks and EasyBib
No Embargo of Content (Research Available Months in Advance of Print Release)
Multi-Lingual User Interface
Unlimited Simultaneous Access

View the e-Collections Catalog

e-Collections Team

Nick Newcomer
Nick Newcomer
Vice-President of Partner Relations and e-Collections
William Hartley
William Hartley
e-Collections Manager
Parnia Sheibani
Parnia Sheibani
e-Collections Specialist
Jim Kapoun
Jim Kapoun, MLS, MDIV, MDth
Library Coordinator