Monitoring Enterprise Applications and the future of Self-Healing Applications

Monitoring Enterprise Applications and the future of Self-Healing Applications

Shuchih E. Chang, Boris Minkin
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/jeis.2008040104
(Individual Articles)
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With the drastic growth of the Internet and the advance of hardware and software technologies, the enterprise information systems supporting business operations and functions have become more and more complex. The need of monitoring the behavior of such systems is becoming apparent, since it allows detecting problems early and resolving them before they become fatal and affect business seriously. In addition to covering the concept and related technologies of various monitoring approaches and their corresponding advantages and disadvantages, this article illustrates how self-healing application monitoring can facilitate the performance and availability management of Java based enterprise applications. The creating of enterprise strength monitoring solutions, together with the criteria of monitoring technology adoption and vendor selection, is also presented in this article.

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