Using Fuzzy Control Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Buildings

Using Fuzzy Control Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Buildings

Vassiliki Mpelogianni, Peter P. Groumpos
DOI: 10.4018/IJMSTR.2015100101
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The energy sector worldwide faces significant challenges that everyday become even more acute. Innovative technologies and energy efficiency measures are nowadays well known and widely spread, and the main issue is to identify the more effective and reliable in the long term. In order to do so the decision maker has to compensate many factors. This article investigates the feasibility of the application of new intelligent control methods in modeling and controlling the performance of a building. For the first time a performance comparison of Fuzzy Logic vs Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) theories is performed and interesting results are presented. Multi-level intelligent controllers to manage the various parts of a building's automation and increase its energy efficiency are presented. For the first time the Building Energy Management System has been modeled using FCMs. Simulation studies with real environmental data have been performed and useful results have been obtained and discussed. Challenging future research topics are provided.
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World Energy Outlook

The precipitous fall in oil prices, continued geopolitical instability and the ongoing climate changes are witness to the dynamic nature of today’s energy situation. In a time of so much uncertainty and confusion, understanding the implications of the shifting energy landscape for economic and environmental goals and for energy security is vital to future world’s stability and sustainable economic growth for all nations.

As stressed in the introduction the world undergoes a severe energy crisis. As shown in Figure 1, while the conventional energy resources reach their end the renewable energy sources still fail to replace them, a fact that has many consequences not only to the future of the energy production but also to the environment, as the gas emissions still increase rapidly.

Figure 1.

Energy Use by sector until 2035 Source: OECD


So now more than ever it is of outmost importance to concentrate our efforts to develop solutions that will lead to an environment friendly and energy independent future. Throughout the world the data are not encouraging. For 2001 to 2004 the primary energy consumption showed a large increase; 1.3% for Europe, 1.1% for USA, 2.2% for South and Central America, 5.3% for the Middle East, 3.7% for Africa and 8.6% for Asia Pacific, which implies an overall increase of the world’s energy consumption by 3.7%. Even with the lowest possible estimations a 2% average annual growth is going to lead to double by 2037 and triple by 2050, energy demands. (Filippín & Larsen, 2007)

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