Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec is a full professor of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education at the University of Primorska. Her professional and scientific work focuses on teaching communication, education for a sustainable future, and media studies. Recently, she had engaged in the professional development of preschool teachers, competences and ICT competences of preschool teachers and children, and in hidden curriculum. She holds and lectures undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral study subjects at the Faculty of Education at University of Primorska. She is member of Council of Experts for preschool educational at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. She was awarded the University of Primorska for teaching excellence 2014. She was awarded the of Educational Research Institute and Slovenian Educational Research Association 2016. She has published over than 100 papers, also in International Journals.
Lucija Jančec, Ph.D., works in a Dormitory "Podmurvice" Rijeka, Croatia, and NGO (Non-Govermental Organisation) called 'Naša djeca' (english:Our children) in Opatija. Her general interests are working with children and their parents, but also research of the hidden curriculum in any form of education ("theory in practice"), its interrelatedness with other fields of research through interdisciplinary studies. Besides, she has interests in the field of sensory integration. Her study of the hidden curriculum is an important feature in the raising of awareness of microelements in pedagogical work, in institutions as well as out of institutional life. She has been actively involved within various interdisciplinary parents and experts groups.
Tina Štemberger, PhD, holds a PhD in Educational Sciences and is currently an assistant professor for Educational Research at University of Primorska, Faculty of Education and Vice-Dean for research. Her main research area is the field of educational research, with the focus on combining qualitative and quantitative research approach. She is also interested in and done research in web-based research, mixed-methods research, creativity in preschool and creativity of preschool teachers, inclusive education and inclusive competences in kindergarten and school, school leadership and teacher professional development. In the past two years she has been a coordinator of the project “Innovative and flexible learning and teaching in teacher education programmes”. She has published numerous original scientific papers and two monographies.