Mahbubur Rahman Syed is currently a professor at the Minnesota State University,
Mankato, USA. He worked in several other institutions around the world including
North Dakota State University in USA (1999), Monash University in Australia
(1993-98), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET, 1982-
92) and Ganz Electric Works in Budapest (1980-82), etc. He was the head of the
department of Computer Science and Engineering of BUET from 1986 to 1992.
He shouldered the responsibilities of developing its undergraduate and postgraduate
course curriculum, infrastructure and laboratories from its foundation. He is widely
acknowledged to have been able to develop the department from scratch as the
first and best department in the country. He is co-chairing and is involved as a
program/organizing member in a number of international conferences. He obtained
his doctoral degree from Budapest Technical University in 1980. He supervised
more than 30 research projects leading to Masters and Ph.D. degrees. His research
interests include electronic commerce systems, multimedia computing and
communications, image processing and retrieval, computational intelligence, pattern
recognition, distributed processing and security. He has published 100+ research
papers in his areas of interest. He is the co-editor-in-chief of the Tamkang Journal
of Science and Engineering - an International Journal. He is also involved in the
editorial review committee of few journals such as Annals of Cases on Information
Technology Applications and Management in Organizations and Journal of
Global Information Management. He is the guest editor of the IEEE Multimedia
July-September issue on Distance Learning.