Responsible AI for Digital Health and Medical Analytics

Responsible AI for Digital Health and Medical Analytics

Ben Othman Soufiene, Chinmay Chakraborty
Pages: 300
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6294-5
ISBN13: 9798369362945|EISBN13: 9798369362952
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Description & Coverage

"Responsible AI for Digital Health and Medical Analytics," addresses the critical intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare, emphasizing responsible and ethical practices. This resource provides a comprehensive guide for healthcare professionals, policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in the transformative potential of AI in the medical field.

In recent years, the healthcare industry has witnessed a rapid integration of artificial intelligence into various aspects of patient care, diagnosis, treatment, and management. The promise of improved efficiency, accuracy, and personalized healthcare has spurred the development and adoption of AI technologies. However, this rapid advancement has also brought forth numerous ethical challenges, privacy concerns, and the need for responsible governance. The increasing reliance on AI in medical analytics raises questions about patient data privacy, algorithmic bias, transparency, and the overall impact on the doctor-patient relationship. The urgency to balance innovation with ethical considerations is underscored by high-profile incidents of AI system failures, biased algorithms, and potential risks to patient safety.

Existing literature often focuses on the technical aspects of AI in healthcare, leaving a gap in understanding the ethical and responsible dimensions. This book aims to fill that void by providing a holistic exploration of the responsible use of AI in digital health and medical analytics. The need for a new resource is evident in the evolving landscape of healthcare regulations, the growing awareness of patient rights, and the demand for transparent and accountable AI systems. As technology continues to advance, there is a pressing need for a guide that not only showcases the possibilities of AI but also navigates the complex terrain of responsible implementation, ensuring that the benefits of innovation are equitably distributed and patient centric. By offering insights, case studies, and actionable strategies, this book aspires to empower stakeholders in healthcare—be they practitioners, decision-makers, or patients—with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the ethical challenges of AI in healthcare, fostering a culture of responsible innovation and ensuring that technology serves the best interests of both healthcare providers and the individuals they serve.

This groundbreaking book explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence while placing a crucial emphasis on responsible and ethical practices. From decoding complex medical analytics to ensuring patient privacy and overcoming ethical challenges, this comprehensive guide is essential reading for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and anyone intrigued by the intersection of cutting-edge technology and responsible healthcare. Join us on a journey where innovation meets responsibility, reshaping the future of AI in medicine. Healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers face a significant challenge in navigating the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the healthcare landscape. The rapid adoption of AI technologies brings forth ethical dilemmas, privacy concerns, and the need for responsible governance. Existing resources often focus on technical aspects, leaving a gap in understanding the ethical dimensions and practical implementation of responsible AI in healthcare.

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Editor/Author Biographies

Chinmay Chakraborty is a Senior Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BIT Mesra, Jharkhand, India. His primary areas of research include WBAN, Internet of Medical Things, Medical Imaging and Telemedicine. Prior to BIT, he worked at the Faculty of Science and Technology, ICFAI University, Agartala, India as a Sr. Lecturer. He worked as a Research Consultant in the Coal India project at Industrial Engineering & Management, IIT Kharagpur. He worked as a project coordinator of Telecom Convergence Switch project under the Indo-US joint initiative. He also worked as a Network Engineer in System Administration at MISPL under Global Teleservice Ltd., India. He is the author of “PSTN-IP Telephony Gateway for Ensuring QoS in Heterogeneous Networks” (2014) and “Advanced Classification Techniques for Healthcare Analysis” (2019). He is an Editorial Board Member in the Journal of Wireless Communication Technology, Int. Journal of Telecomm. Engg. etc. and also a member of the International Advisory Board for Malaysia Technical Scientist Congress and the MIR Labs. He has been also editing four books on IGI, IET, CRC, and Pan Standford Publishing. He is a guest editor of Future Internet journal special issue (Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT): Methods, Advances, and Applications) and SoCTA-19 Int. Conf., Patna on Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics for Smart Healthcare Technology. He received a young research excellence award, Global Peer Review Award, Young Faculty Award, and Outstanding Researcher Award. He was the speakers for AICTE, DST sponsored FDP and CEP Short Term Courses.

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