A Comparative Performance of Green Technology, Green Growth, Social, and Economic Development in India and China

A Comparative Performance of Green Technology, Green Growth, Social, and Economic Development in India and China

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 35
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2750-0.ch006
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This chapter provides the comparative performance of green technology (GT), green growth, and social-economic development in India and China. It used 43 indicators that helped to increase green growth and social-economic development. Time trend analysis is applied to examine the performance of green growth, GT, and economic development. Correlation coefficient analysis is used to examine the association of economic development and useful indicators related to green growth, GT, and digitalization. India has relatively low scope to apply GT in the production sector as compared to China. Therefore, most green growth and digitalization-related indicators have a positive and statistically significant association with economic development in India and China. India has a greater possibility to apply green technologies to increase the green growth and economic development. This chapter produces several policy proposals to increase green growth, resource efficiency, and sustainable development through GT and digitalization.
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1. Introduction

Technology is a scientific device, machine, process or methods that are useful to solve social-economic problems, produce new products and discover new ways to achieve various objectives in human life (Singh et al., 2020a). Technology includes machines (like computers, laptop, mobile, artificial intelligence, etc.) and techniques and processes (Singh & Jyoti, 2023a). At present everyone depends on various technologies to achieve their goals in different dimensions (Jyoti & Singh, 2023). For instance, everybody is dependent on different technologies in home, office, school or industry. Further, technology helps to save time, and increase efficiency of resources and productivity of humans (Singh et al., 2020a). It is a crucial driver to increase skills and efficiency of workers, and provide several benefits to humanity. Every country of the world is working on advancement of their existing technology to sustain their resources efficiency and increase high economic growth. Technological change helps to reduce environmental issues (Beder, 1994). Science and technology, thus, play an essential role to increase all dimensions of sustainable development (Ahmed & Stein, 2004), and maintain sustainable economic growth (Şener & Sarıdoğan, 2011). Fan et al. (2019) argued that technological innovation has a positive impact on economic growth, while, economic growth may be caused to increase environmental degradation (Singh et al., 2020b). Therefore, most countries are focusing on more technological development to attain high economic development (Singh & Jyoti, 2023a).

India and China are focusing more on industrial production to achieve high economic development. China, therefore, is using more quantities of natural resources like fossil fuels, biomass and minerals in the production sectors (Urban, 2015). India and China are using different technologies in industrial and service sectors which are adding more pollution in the environment (Singh et al., 2019b; Dong & Ullah, 2023). Whereas most developed countries like the USA, Britain, and Australia are using green technologies to preserve the quality and quantity of natural resources to ensure the sustainable future of people. Also, most countries are paying substantial attention to increase resource efficiency by using green technology, green innovation and green urbanization in the production activities (Hussain et al., 2022). Green or clean technology is favourable to reduce pollution and increase sustainability of resources in multiple sectors (Beder, 1994). So, India and China should use GT and green innovation in the production sector to reduce environmental pollution (Singh et al., 2020b).

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