A Modified Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm Using Genetic Algorithms

A Modified Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm Using Genetic Algorithms

Riyaz Sikora, O'la Al-Laymoun
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-7272-7.ch004
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Distributed data mining and ensemble learning are two methods that aim to address the issue of data scaling, which is required to process the large amount of data collected these days. Distributed data mining looks at how data that is distributed can be effectively mined without having to collect the data at one central location. Ensemble learning techniques aim to create a meta-classifier by combining several classifiers created on the same data and improve their performance. In this chapter, the authors use concepts from both of these fields to create a modified and improved version of the standard stacking ensemble learning technique by using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for creating the meta-classifier. They test the GA-based stacking algorithm on ten data sets from the UCI Data Repository and show the improvement in performance over the individual learning algorithms as well as over the standard stacking algorithm.
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1. Introduction

According to some estimates we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day, with 90% of the data in the world today being created in the last two years alone (IBM, 2012). This massive increase in the data being collected is a result of ubiquitous information gathering devices, such as sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, and cell phone GPS signals to name a few. With the increased need for doing data mining and analyses on this big data, there is a need for scaling up and improving the performance of traditional data mining and learning algorithms. Two related fields of distributed data mining and ensemble learning aim to address this scaling issue. Distributed data mining looks at how data that is distributed can be effectively mined without having to collect the data at one central location (Zeng et. al., 2012). Ensemble learning techniques aim to create a meta-classifier by combining several classifiers, typically by voting, created on the same data and improve their performance (Dzeroski & Zenko, 2004; Optiz & Maclin, 1999). Ensembles are usually used to overcome three types of problems associated with base learning algorithms: the statistical problem; the computational problem; and the representational problem (Dietterich, 2002). When the sample size of a data set is too small in comparison with the possible space of hypotheses, a learning algorithm might choose to output a hypothesis from a set of hypotheses having the same accuracy on the training data. The statistical problem arises in such cases if the chosen hypothesis cannot predict new data. The computational problem occurs when a learning algorithm gets stuck in a wrong local minimum instead of finding the best hypothesis within the hypotheses space. Finally, the representational problem happens when no hypothesis within the hypotheses space is a good approximation to the true function f. In general, ensembles have been found to be more accurate than any of their single component classifiers (Optiz & Maclin, 1999; Pal, 2007).

The extant literature on machine learning proposes many approaches regarding designing ensembles. One approach is to create an ensemble by manipulating the training data, the input features, or the output labels of the training data, or by injecting randomness into the learning algorithm (Dietterich, 2002). For example, Bagging learning ensembles, or bootstrap aggregating, introduced by Breiman (1996), generates multiple training datasets with the same sample size as the original dataset using random sampling with replacement. A learning algorithm is then applied on each of the bootstrap samples and the resulting classifiers are aggregated using a plurality vote when predicting a class and using averaging of the prediction of the different classifiers when predicting a numeric value. While Bagging can significantly improve the performance of unstable learning algorithms such as neural networks, it can be ineffective or even slightly deteriorate the performance of the stable ones such as k- nearest neighbor methods (Breiman, 1996).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Stacking: A type of ensemble learning.

Machine Learning: Algorithms that learn and adapt when new data is added to it.

Genetic Algorithm: Heuristic procedure that mimics evolution through natural selection.

Meta-Classifier: A classifier, which is usually a proxy to the main classifier, used to provide additional data preprocessing.

Classification: Classification is the problem of identifying to which of a set of categories a new observation belongs.

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