Adaptive and Personalized Learning in Industry 5.0 Education

Adaptive and Personalized Learning in Industry 5.0 Education

Harshit Singh, Usha Chauhan, S. P. S. Chauhan, Agrima Saxena, Priti Kumari
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0782-3.ch001
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The advent of Industry 5.0, characterized by advanced automation, interconnected systems, and data-driven decision-making, has revolutionized traditional industries, necessitating a highly skilled and adaptable workforce. This chapter explores the integration of adaptive and personalized learning strategies within the framework of Industry 5.0 education. By leveraging technological advancements such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, adaptive learning tailors educational content, pacing, and assessments to individual learners' needs, fostering engagement and knowledge retention. Personalized learning approaches enhance Industry 5.0 education by creating contextually relevant and immersive learning environments through simulations, virtual reality, and real-world case studies.
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Ii. Education And Industry 5.0

The concept of “Industry 5.0,” also referred to as the “Human-Centric Industry” or “Society 5.0,” builds upon the foundations established by the preceding industrial revolutions (Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0), accentuating the seamless integration of individuals and cutting-edge technology. The primary objective of Industry 5.0 is to amalgamate the finest attributes of both human ingenuity and machine capabilities, thereby fostering collaborative and human-centered solutions (E. Coronado, 2022). This stands in contrast to earlier industrial revolutions, which predominantly focused on facets such as automation, digitization, and networking (A. Akundi, 2022).

Key characteristics that define Industry 5.0 encompass:

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