AI-Personalization Paradox: Navigating Consumer Behavior in a Filter Bubble Era

AI-Personalization Paradox: Navigating Consumer Behavior in a Filter Bubble Era

Priyanshi Jindal, Harshit Gouri
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1918-5.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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The integration of AI into various aspects of our lives has significantly reshaped how we access information, products, and services. AI-driven personalization, a key feature of many platforms, aims to enhance user experiences by tailoring content to individual preferences. Advancement of AI personalization has given rise to the filter bubble and echo-chamber phenomena. Filter bubbles expose consumers to content that reinforces their existing beliefs and preferences, creating a paradox. This chapter explores the multifaceted implications of AI-personalization paradox on digital consumer behavior in the context of the filter bubble era investigating how AI algorithms shape the content users encounter, impact of algorithms on information diversity, and consequences for consumer decision-making. The chapter concludes speculating on future of personalization, emphasizing the need to balance customization with information diversity, encouraging critical thinking about AI ethics among consumers.
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1. Introduction

In the contemporary digital landscape, the pervasive influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has fundamentally reshaped how individuals engage with the world. Whether it pertains to the media we consume, the products we procure, or the information we seek, the omnipresence of AI-driven personalization has indelibly woven itself into the fabric of our daily existence. It is a phenomenon that offers both the allure of enhanced convenience and the promise of customized experiences. However, this technological marvel has also engendered an intricate and concerning conundrum, often referred to as the “filter bubble.” It is within the context of this paradox that this chapter seeks to delve deeper, aiming to unravel the intricate web of complexities and far-reaching implications of AI-powered personalization on consumer behavior in an era defined by these very filter bubbles.

The digital realm's transformative impact, powered by AI, has enabled an unprecedented degree of personalization. Through algorithms and data analytics, it caters to individual preferences, curating content, services, and products tailored to each user's specific tastes and needs. This heightened sense of personalization is, undoubtedly, a boon, simplifying our lives and making the vast information landscape more navigable. It is the era of recommendations, where streaming platforms suggest movies, e-commerce sites propose products, and news aggregators tailor headlines, all with the aim of enhancing user satisfaction.

However, as the boundaries of personalization expand, they risk enclosing us within what has become known as the filter bubble. This digital bubble can insulate users from diverse viewpoints, narrowing the scope of information and opinions to those that align with their pre-existing beliefs and preferences. While users revel in the comfort of confirmation and content that caters to their established interests, the filter bubble simultaneously fosters an insidious consequence – the stifling of intellectual diversity and the potential for echo chambers where dissenting views are marginalized.

The AI-Personalization Paradox, as we shall explore in this chapter, revolves around the interplay of these two facts. It raises questions of agency, autonomy, and the impact on individual and collective behavior. It beckons us to ponder the implications for our society, democracy, and the pursuit of truth. As we journey through this exploration, we shall uncover the underlying mechanisms of AI-driven personalization, dissect the anatomy of filter bubbles, and scrutinize the behavioral changes they engender. In doing so, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of this intricate, multifaceted landscape, shedding light on the synergies, tensions, and challenges arising from AI's transformative influence on consumer behavior in a world increasingly defined by filter bubbles.

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